Saturday, September 22, 2012

The birth!!! A twin home birth. It can be done!

So I am finally writing the conclusion to my birth story. I apologize that it's taken me 10 MONTHS to write. But hey that's twins.
Those last two weeks I had contractions constantly. Finally on the 7th of November I had had enough. After a few hours of contractions that ended up going nowhere (for the 3rd time)I called my midwife and asked her to break my water. At about 10 pm (after dancing and them some castor oil. Eek) she broke my water. Now I will tell you I was disappointed because I had imagined this smooth coherent delivery but after the water broke the contractions came on strong. So no baby playlist and no playful banter, I was in pain and concentrating. My husband was my birth partner. My sister was our helpful support. I had my main midwife Joey. Her assistant midwife an extra midwife for the extra baby and a studying midwife, so 4 total. And my dear friend Sarah doing the birth photography. I will be honest the pain was endless awful and all consuming. BUT so worth it. I thought since this was my second and third delivery the babies would come faster but after a few hours I was so exhausted they say I was sleeping between contractions. Now you'd think I would have given myself a good nights sleep before this but being 36 weeks along I was not sleeping anyway. They were so big I had to sleep propped up just to breath normally. Anyhow. I was originally planning a water birth but when I tried it I didn't last too long in the water. My belly was so big it was buoyant. It was hard to breath. So I labored mostly out of the birthing pool. My husband was spectacular. He was with me the whole time. And my whole birth team was constantly reassuring. Finally at about 7 am Baby A (Una Luna) was just about here. The whole time my team was reminding me to breath and relax(through painful back labor which they helped massage) and I was reminding my self to think open. Although they say I never asked to be taken to the hospital. I sure thought about it lol that and the wonderful epidural. Somehow I managed. At 7:14 am on November the 8th I caught Una Serafina at 6lbs 2 oz and 19 1/4 inches long. She was gorgeous. And just like her US pictures. Like a normal delivery the pain increased with crowning but It did all go smoothly. So after 9 hours I was done. BUT just like life with twins. It's never done when you want it to be done lol more then 3 hours later at 10:53 Baby B, Inanna Selene was born breeched with one foot first. Kicking her way into this world. She was 6lbs even and 19 1/2 inches. While she did need some rubbing up she was just as beautiful and alert as her sister. Now exactly like life with twins right when you think it should be over it's not. My contractions had died down from exhaustion so I finally had the pitocin to deliver the placenta. But thankfully that was it. I was so tired but absolutely glad things went the way they did. At their own time and pace and not hurried along by doctors or strapped down in an uncomfortable room. All the measurements where taken. No vitamin k no eye ointment. No one ever rushed my babies off without telling me. It was just like it should be. My support was there but it was just that, support. Support to what was perfectly natural and normal, even though it was two. Now looking back I wouldn't have done anything differently. Every situation is different but for me I went with my instincts and it led to a wonderful homebirth with two healthily daughters.
So that is my twin home birth story! I am so glad it went well. Good luck to anyone else out there. Just go with what you know it right :)

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