Thursday, September 29, 2011

32 Weeks along. We're getting there

So in the last month our babies have grown so much. at my last ultrasound they weighed 3 lbs each. I think when I go in on monday for another one. they will be around 4 lbs each!
Ive really have just been taking it one day at a time. the carpel tunnel has gotten better. but I am even more tired then ever. its really about getting alot of rest now... and if I dont my body makes me. Johnny Started kindergarten so its worked out perfectly and I get plenty of time to myself

the 1st week of my 8th month has been so emotionally shocking. realizing that it can happen any moment and that it will definitely happen in 4 to 6 weeks is exciting and scary.
The girls have been great! moving all the time. I wish my husband had some thing that was constantly nudging at his intestines as a comforting reassurance that we are having children lol but of course lucky him just gets to feel the big kicks on his hand.

Since last month Braxton hicks contractions have become an everyday thing. they are so uncomfortable but I just try to breath through it. I went to my first meeting of Moms of Multiples early September and it was so reassuring! they were all so positive and nice. another meeting in 2 weeks. Speaking of reassuring I saw the midwife yesterday and she said that everything is looking fantastic and that I shouldnt worry about preterm labor that if it was coming something would have already happened. Both girls are vertex (head down) so everything is looking great for a home birth in a month or two!
Tony and I talked about names and we really like the names Ina and Una. Inanna Elise and Una Esmee although tony is completely committed to the names I dont think Ill be positive till i see and hold them. :) I cant wait!
Here are some pictures on how the belly is growing.

its even bigger now. but i havent uploaded those yet.

And a few fun things we've done is birthing art

my motherly monkey

and  how I see myself as a pregnant lady

and Tony and I went to Baby boot Camp On base.
the funniest part was him wearing the empathy belly and seeing him trying to get comfortable lol It was fun and informative. and I needed to go over somethings again since its been so long for me since Ive taken care of a baby.  But we are pretty confident now.

We've even set up the crib and co sleeper figured out the stroller and carseats. :) all the baby clothes is washed with baby soap. all their blankies are folded and ready and we are stocked up on 3 packages  of preemie dipers 4 boxes of newborns and 5 packages of 1 and the to huge boxes of wipes lol

 life is great and we are all excited. ill write again soon.