Wednesday, May 25, 2011

14 Weeks/ May 25,2011

I am officially in the 2nd trimester now! the miscarriage rate is like less then 5%. Im very excited about being this far along. I was looking at the 1st belly picture I took when I was 10 weeks and now I feel ridiculous for feeling self conscious then. In a month I will be thinking how wonderful I had it at 14 weeks lol. so here is the belly now. I had an ultra sound done last week but forgot to pick up the pictures. I will try to this week. they look pretty much the same though. they just look bigger.
At the ultrasound there was one baby that was such a sweet little one. he/she looked to be cuddled up towards the bottom. and was just hanging out the other one (he/she shall remain nameless) was acting crazy! i think it was the same one that was acting like a little ninja the first time. kicking and throwing fists in the air. I always thought that with identical twins theyd have the same sort of temperament. but i guess not.
Also Im about 90% sure ive been feeling them move. Only 100% on 3 occasions though. Its so exciting! i talk to them as if i know the exact reasons why they are bothered. ... ill say I know I know ill get you some water right now lol or i did forget that prenatal vitamin hu? or something silly like that.
I cant wait till Tony or Johnny gets to feel them. I felt johnny early too at 14 weeks. but i was thinner then by like 20 lbs
Speaking of lbs Ive gained 12 lbs already (sign) they say its good to gain 5 lbs in your 1st trimester with twins so im only up 6 and if there is anywhere i can blame 6 lbs on its my breasts. theyve gone from a's to c's in 2 months. and I can honestly say I am not happy about it at all. I keep telling myself just to be accepting with it all.

On a different subject It was our One year anniversary yesterday!!! tony took the day off and we headed up to MD for the day we found a wildlife refuge off of the highway that was really nice. they had a big exhibit  considering it was out of the way.

and out side was a great path with lots of geese we  also saw a deer eating lilies

a turtle crossing the road,

a red winged black bird, and some little bugs.It was so nice.
After that we had dinner at Medieval Times!

Johnny made such a gorgeous knight. and Tony such a handsome king. :D
it was a great day.. not to mention it only took a little over an hour. over all it was a wonderful day and 1st anniversary.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

belly shots?

Tony and I have decided to start taking belly pictures every week since we both feel that its going to grow fast. I dont know why its so big. Apart from being twins, I am carrying around 100% more blood they say and all the water im constantly drinking adds to its overall size and it just looks huge because im sure on someone taller it wouldn't look so bad.

I have another specialist appointment on Tuesday the 17th where Ill get another ultrasound. So it may mean lots of pictures since i will be seeing them every 2-3 weeks. Im very excited to see them again. and to see how much they have grown. I am 12 weeks along now and the babies are the size of limes.

I am almost into the last week of the 1st trimester!! so the chance of miscarriage drops :D and although im confident with this pregnancy there is still the worry. other then that the babies are developing normally and everything looks good. they are identical which add even more wonderment to this whole thing. I mean its kind of creepy that they are going to look exactly alike. but then I wont ever have to decide which one outfit looks better. Ill just put on both. and they'll have each other. and maybe that telepathy thing... the possibilities are endless! they'll be so cute. I want to find out the gender as soon as possible! I want to know what to buy or put on my registry. lol

Ill post my next ultrasound pictures Tuesday.
ill write again then.